At the other end of the line, settled in her log house in Perth, Ontario, floral designer Leah Gibson is far from the little studio apartment in Ottawa where, in 2016, she launched her business, Homebody Floral. She’s almost forgotten that place, which also served as a nursery and florist between the months of May and October.
To keep the flowers cool, she managed to rustle up an industrial refrigerator at a nearby gas station. “I could never sleep the night before a wedding because it gave off so much heat!” she remembers. The idea of having her own flower farm was germinating between sleepless nights.
On this eight-acre parcel of land, she plans to develop large gardens and grow the majority of the plants she and her partner will respectively need for their work — because, yes, he is a gardener.
Inspired by nature, Gibson has made her business the intuitive design of floral arrangements, reminiscent of wild landscapes in all their beauty, seasonality, and diversity. When she was passing through BESIDE Habitat in November, she worked her magic, showing us that summer’s not the only season worthy of being transformed into centrepieces.